Jamie and Taryn have left us to return to the big smoke as they have lots to organise for their new lives in England - we hope they can return to us for a chilled weekend or two over the next 4-5 months. Taryn has been initiated into the 'family game' of 6 handed rummy, so we look forward to future challenges!
The lovely blue skies and sunshine left us yesterday unfortunately, and the forecast for the next heaven knows how many days is cloudy and rainy - light showeres alternated by heavy showers! Today has just been a little glum with the occasional bit of rain, so fingers crossed they are wrong and we won't get soaked.
Leaving Kidderminster
We’ve purchased a folding bike today, Barry has been keen to do this since we've been here and as we were moored next door to Halfords it seemed the ideal opportunity, especially as it was half price! He plans to take off every now and cycle around to find the best shots - not that he hasn't taken some amazing ones already or anything!
Trying out the new folding bike
We cruised leisurely to Stourport today and we’re mooring overnight before heading out onto the River Severn tomorrow morning towards Worcester. The Severn is a tidal river so things may be very different to the canals - Barry reassures me that all will be fine. I'm sure it will, so long as I don't try to drive the boat at any stage and certainly don't get left alone on it, I may never be seen again!!
We met up with my parents once again this afternoon, it’s cool to be able to see them so often and have somewhere for them to come and visit us. Hopefully they'll be coming to spend a few days with us on the boat in a couple of weeks, so long as my dad doesn’t repeat his falling into the canal trick!!
Having a trip down the canal to the basin - check out the caps Trish!!
Barry and Don talk tools!
Don't worry about the Severn. It is not tidal above Gloucester, but can rise quickly following heavy rain.