We thought we'd put our three days in Oxford into one blog post to keep things simpler as we'll not have much internet connection soon (I'm writing this on Friday morning, as we've just gone through Eynsham Lock on our way to Lechlade in the Cotswolds), but Barry struggled to reduce the number of photos sufficiently to make it possible - no surprise there then! So it's still one day at a time - here's Monday's adventures:
Moored at the end of the line in Oxford How dangerous is this?????
We soon discovered why bloggers like Maffi complain about the speed of passing boaters - the hire boats, especially those from 'Anglo-Welsh', are outrageous! The one above sped past us so much that the man in the Marina opposite had to shout to ask him to slow down - but most appalling was watching his teenage daughter casually hanging her legs down the side/back of the boat, with absolutely no regard for the danger she was putting herself in - amazing naivety!! She lifted them briefly as she passed the Marina and then put them right back down again. Let's hope she still has a pair of legs at the end of her 'holiday'!
A short walk to Isis Lock - railway station to the right, city centre to the left
We spent much of Monday discovering more incredible sights in Oxford, so much so that by the time we finally got back to the boat our legs were aching badly!
Bicycles casually abandoned on every street
An interesting mix of shapes and sizes of architecture at every turn
The beauty just goes on, and on, and on ...
We had a walk up the 99 steps of Carfax Tower, where you can see the spires across the city for £2.20 each - a bit steep (literally and metaphorically!) but well worth it.
The top of the Radcliffe Camera - with 'John Radcliffe Hospital' in the background
Spire after spire ...
Throngs of people exploring the city
Back down the 99 spiral steps
Osney Bridge where the height of the bridge determines the size of boats able to navigate the upper Thames
A quick rest and then Mark, the husband of a friend of mine, came to collect us to take us across the cut to 'The Old Bookbinders' for a couple of drinks. It was fabulous to see Mark again and we hope to catch up with Lesley too when they both return from Canada in mid-August.
Following the visit we had to get some groceries in ready for my parents' visit Tuesday/Wednesday, so headed back into town to Sainsburys - Barry wanted to re-visit the Radcliffe Camera so he tootled off on his bike while I walked to the Westgate centre before closing time at 2000hrs.
An old garage in Jericho - shame it hasn't been maintained
A Morris Minor - Oxford is its birthplace Ornate entrances are everywhere too
Walking back into town through Jericho - a gorgeous corner restaurant
Oi you, shut that bloody trumpet up!
The ravishing Radcliffe Camera and part of the university library
Due to the pint of cider I'd consumed in the pub, by this time I was bursting to go again and hoped with all my being that Sainsbury's would have a public toilet in their store - not on your nelly! Each time we've asked where toilets are in Oxford (we only saw one 'public toilet' in the four days we explored - a grotty one in the Bus Station), we've been advised to go to McDonald's or Marks and Spencer - incredible! Thousands of tourists in the city each day facing similar challenges. By the time Barry caught up with me, his two pints were gurgling in his bladder too - so we paid up and walked painfully back to the boat to relieve ourselves.
We discovered an amazing variety of flowers in The University Gardens - they may stump even our most horticultural readers - thanks for the 'Lucifer Crocosmia' answer to Sunday's flower Doug - this one above resembles
Roses and Castles!
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