All regenerated trees

We went to The Swan (aka The Mucky Duck) for lunch and a pint of Abbey Ale and a Welsh Cider. It really is a very quaint and unspoilt canal-side pub and the lunch was great. Two large pieces of real bacon (not the streaky/fatty sort you can be fobbed off with in many places) in my cob topped with cheese and Barry had a beef and onion baguette full of prime steak. Good value and again friendly staff, hurrah!
We’ve sort of made a plan for the boat painting – start at the back and work forwards gradually! Barry’s been chipping away removing old and flaky paint as we travel along; we reckon the previous owners may have just painted over the old paint rather than actually stripping it down and doing a ‘proper’ job. Ah well, it’ll keep Barry out of mischief over the next 11 weeks! We haven’t been able to access the ‘cheaper’ paint shops which are a good car journey away as we haven’t wanted to ask family or friends to drive us—everyone’s working so hard we’re sure that the last thing they would want to do is take a couple of hours to drive to a paint shop and back. Never mind, we’ll just have to pay Chandelry prices once we find what we need …
Our only stop today was at Barton Turn Marina, but unfortunately we got there after 5pm and everywhere, apart from the large pub there, was closed for the day! Badly timed on our behalf, we don’t know where the time flies to! It looked like a lovely place, I especially liked the beauty and massage parlour - that's just what you need when you're living on a boat, and there was a hairdressers too. They must have a lot of women living there to get sufficient customers!
We carried on to Branston, purportedly where Branston Pickle originated, and will carry on to Burton-on-Trent in the morning and explore the town if it isn’t too far away. Barry hopes to find the brewing museums and get a few hints and tips, though I reckon he may be able to pass on a few of his own!
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