It seems that Barry is not the only one in strife for the inaccurate predictions, today’s headlines are all slating the weathermen who promised the British a ‘BBQ summer’! Oh dear, I don’t think so! Maybe a BBQ June if you’d got your skates on, but certainly not in July and disappointingly it is reported that August is looking likely to be a wet month too. Still, there’s always the possibility of an Indian summer in September …
We’re moored up right next to the railway bridge, about a 10 minute walk to the station, so we took a walk there and picked up my tickets for tomorrow’s travel to Birmingham and Bath. A short stroll along the wall and we were into the centre. We decided that the Jorvik Viking Museum sounded interesting and we’d splash out and pay an entry fee for once. It wasn’t what we’d expected, more of a Disneyland ride than anything, but the exhibition of artefacts at the end was interesting. As my mum and dad were originally from the North of England (Sunderland and Huddersfield respectively), then my original roots may be from the Danes who dominated this area of the country.
We had an amble through the Shambles, a gaze at the majesty of York Minster, then back to Sainsbury’s for a spot of shopping to keep Barry in food and beer for his weekend alone.
This evening we were picked up by Tim and Catherine dinner and wine at their home in small place south of York called Bishopthorpe. The Archbishop of York has a palace there, one of only two Archbishops in the country we're reliably informed. It certainly looked palacial.

We had an awesome evening getting to know one another and meeting their children Amy and Katie, two gregarious, giggly, beautiful blonde girls. The food was great and the champagne, wine and port flowed far too freely! We decided not to catch the last bus home but got a taxi back to the boat in the wee small hours. Barry will meet up with Tim again over the weekend.
Catherine gave me a list of some of my ancestors going back as far as 1620 which is just amazing! I now know that we are second cousins once removed, and the name of my 8th great grandfather on my father's mother's side (!) was called John Drake and my 8th great grandmother Ann Wright. She has got an incredible amount of information, it was faascinating.
Catherine gave me a list of some of my ancestors going back as far as 1620 which is just amazing! I now know that we are second cousins once removed, and the name of my 8th great grandfather on my father's mother's side (!) was called John Drake and my 8th great grandmother Ann Wright. She has got an incredible amount of information, it was faascinating.
Tomorrow I'm off to Bath for my English hen weekend and returning to York late on Sunday with my eldest sister Katherine who's coming to do the river to Ripon with us, until Wednesday evening.